In the early days of social media, the excitement was palpable. We finally had a way to express ourselves and connect with others who shared our passions and beliefs. Whether you were into gaming, loved cereal for supper, or wanted to save animals, you could find your people and contribute to causes that mattered to you.
It was a time of independence and democratisation of media, and it was liberating.
However, as social media evolved, we began to see a different side. With more voices, more opinions, and more ideas came more differences, and sometimes, those differences were uncomfortable or even offensive. Suddenly, we were confronted with views that challenged our own, and it was jarring.
But is this necessarily a bad thing?

In reality, this is the gift and curse of independent, niche media and communities. The more choice we create, the more we realise how weird we all are, and how some follow the oddest – most inconceivable – communities and ideas. And that’s okay! It’s important to recognise that different people have different opinions and that it’s okay to disagree.
It’s easy to become trapped in our own echo chambers, where we only consume media that aligns with our beliefs and opinions. This can be dangerous because it limits our understanding of the world. We need to embrace differing thoughts and opinions, even if they make us uncomfortable or challenge our beliefs.
We’re all weird in our own ways, and that’s okay. What’s more, niche communities and ideas that once seemed inconceivable are now thriving and that – in some ways – is a beautiful thing.
At the end of the day, it’s important to keep an open mind and a willingness to listen. We don’t have to abandon our own beliefs, but we can learn from others and find common ground. By accommodating differing thoughts and opinions, we can build a more inclusive and tolerant society, one where everyone’s voice is heard and respected.
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